viernes, 24 de abril de 2020



Good morning, it's Friday and we are going to listen to a song that I think you know but before, did you send me the picture? I did it !The words change the order, so this is only to show you what you had to do.
Buenos días, es viernes y vamos a escuchar una canción que creo que conocéis pero antes, ¿me habéis mandado la foto de la última actividad? ¡Yo la hice! El orden de las palabras cambia, así que es sólo para enseñaros lo que teníais que hacer.

Listen to the song and fill the gaps (click below the page for listening to the song)
Escucha la canción y rellena los huecos (haz click al final de la página para escuchar la canción)

There are four seasons that happen in a year

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

Spring, ___________, Autumn, Winter

There are four __________ that happen in a year

Spring, Summer, __________, Winter

Spring, Summer, Autumn, __________

Can you tell me what season it is?

Let's take a look


Can you tell me what season it is?

Let's take a look


Can you tell me what season it is?

Let's take a look


Can you tell me what season it is?

Let's take a look


There are four seasons that happen in a year

Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

__________, Summer, Autumn, __________

There are four seasons that happen in a year

Spring, _________, ____________, Winter

Yesterday we had some problems with the audio, so here you have the video to listen to the song.

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